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Frances (in her 70s)

Celeste gave me back my life. My doctor was so impressed that Celeste, through her knowledge and passion for Pilates, was the anecdote for helping me recover from back issues. I have three herniated discs. Nothing helped with my back issues prior to Pilates. Celeste has an innate talent for what she does. She is patient, knows her anatomy, and focuses all her attention on her clients’ individual needs. She is like a daughter to me. I wanted to name one of my children Celeste but was overruled by my other children. I always remind her, however, that I feel like I do have my very own Celeste.


Joan (in her 60s)

Celeste has changed my life. About seven years ago I broke my leg. I wasn’t very worried about my recovery because I knew Celeste would help me as I was already doing Pilates with her prior to my injury. My surgeon couldn’t ensure that I would not have a limp but I knew I wouldn’t because of Pilates and Celeste’s abilities. Pilates is for everyone.


Donna (in her 40s)

Pilates has been life changing. I wish I could give the gift of Pilates. It is a wonderful discipline and Celeste has innate abilities. She is magical. She is an incredible teacher and a marvelous person. I have bum knees and without Pilates they would have blown. She knows how to rehabilitate parts of the body and fix them.


Roy (in his 40s)

I started seeing Celeste almost 10 years ago because I was having problems with heel spurs.  While that was the initial focus of my work with her – and it successfully dealt with that problem – we also began to work on other problem spots of my body.  I have a stressful job and I am prone to upper back problems due to tension and poor posture. All of this is gone now.  I haven’t had an upper back lock-up since I started seeing Celeste. Prior to my classes, I experienced them regularly.  I tell people who ask me about Pilates that it is a “Life Changing” experience.  In addition to the physical benefits from practicing the Pilates Method, I also receive knowledge about how my body works and mental health benefits from taking an hour per week as “me” time.  I have become a firm believer in the Pilates Method and appreciate how Celeste teaches it.


Phyllis G. Merlino, DDS (in her 40s)

I have been working with Celeste, having private Pilates sessions, once a week, since February 2008.  I suffered an injury while moving and began having sciatica pain down my right leg.

My experience and results have been wonderful.

Not only is Celeste a true professional in all things healing, but her ability to teach the art of Pilates to me (a complete novice with no relevant background) was done with understanding and reassurance.
My Pilates ability over the years has grown to include even some of the more difficult exercises. This is absolutely related to Celeste’s ability to express to me the proper techniques. At this point my body has become dependent on the weekly sessions and if a session is cancelled, I truly miss it.  Through my Pilates experience, I no longer experience the same pain in my right leg and certainly “stand taller”. My posture and stability of my hips has greatly improved.
I am happy that I started sessions with Celeste and am especially happy that I have been able to continue working with her for the past 5 years.


Jeff (in his 30s)

I started Pilates with Celeste about seven or eight years ago and it has been amazing. I used to suffer extreme lower back, neck, and shoulder pain because of my work. I tried to correct that by using physical therapy and chiropractic services but they didn’t work for me. Pilates did. I understand Pilates and truly appreciate the benefits of it. I have especially enjoyed the two to three inches I took off my waist. Instead of just focusing on a routine exercise regimen that focuses on the outside physical appearances I understand how Pilates focuses on my inside as well.


Lana (mother of a 13 year old being trained by Celeste)

I knew this was the right place for my 13 year-old daughter after talking to Celeste and observing one session of Pilates. Celeste is a friendly, professional, and knowledgeable instructor. She taught my daughter how to use her muscles properly to prevent injuries.  She is genuinely concerned about my daughter’s health and well-being.

My daughter is a former rhythmic gymnast who became a performing arts student, majoring in dance. During her training as a rhythmic gymnast she developed constant pain in her hips, which did not respond to medications or traditional physical therapy.

After a few months of Pilates training my daughter has no pain in her hips even when dancing 6 days a week. She made progress with her flexibility, strength and balance. All of which was noticed by my daughter’s dance instructors. Pilates would be helpful to anyone seeking muscular balance, strength, and overall functional improvement.

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